About me:
I'm not too young, but not too old. I enjoy many things in the arts, such as music and theater. I dream to be an author, or an actress, or perhaps work in the ministry. I absolutely love kids, and people, even if I am rather shy.
What are some of your hobbies/interests?
I enjoy Adventures in Odyssey, writing, fanfiction, fantasy, dreaming, children, helping others, reading, music, theology, steampunk, crafting, acting, and numerous other activities.
What sorts of media do you enjoy?
Well, I love various types. Mostly books and radio drama. Absolutely. But, I also enjoy a good movie, play, or song. It all depends.
How long have you been an Adventures in Odyssey fan?
Several years. Ten at least. I love it so very much.
What are your favorite Adventures in Odyssey characters?
My favorite Adventures in Odyssey characters are Mandy Straussberg, Lucy Cunningham-Shultz Davis, Emily Jones, Jared DeWhite, Trent DeWhite, Richard Maxwell, Jason Whittaker, Monty Whittaker, Penny Wise, and of course, the three main characters. Connie Kendall, Eugene Meltsner, and John Avery Whittaker. (I love others, but this gives a good gist.)
What are your favorite Adventures in Odyssey episodes?
Too many to list, but I do enjoy Passages, Darien's Rise, Where is Thy Sting?, and Gone... ...But not forgotten.
What type of Christian are you? Are you one?
I am indeed, and proud of it. I consider myself non-denominational.
What is your favorite Bible story?
Well, besides the story of Christ, I absolutely love Joseph, Esther, and Ruth.
Who are your role models?
Jesus Christ, my Parents, George Washington, Fanny J. Crosby, Joseph, Ruth, Esther, and as a fictional character role model, I look up to Connie Kendall.
What are some of your goals in life?
I don't really tend to set goals, seeing as I just trust God to lead me where He wants me to be. However, like any girl, I plan to get married and have children. I would love to become an author, an actress (preferably of the voice acting genre), or to help in a ministry of some sort. But I'm happy if others are happy, and I'm where God wants me to be.
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